I don't care who he 'is'; he is his writing on this forum. If you have a 
problem with his writing, attack the ideas, not the person.

The most dangerous times in American history have shown that writers often use 
pseudonyms to avoid persecution, harassment, and death.  His name isn't 
important. It isn't even relevant.

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                 
sean himself is (allegedly) chip berlet, covertly  posing as an anti-neocon 
using this group as disinfo and gathering names and  intel.  for those who 
weren't aware.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Sean    McBride 
   To: political-research@yahoogroups.com    
   Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:33    PM
   Subject: Re: [political-research] Keeping    It Real

The strongest signal that is coming through your posts is that    you are 
easily upset by criticism of Israel and the Israel lobby.     Apparently you 
strongly support Jewish ethnic nationalism, but strongly oppose    every other 
form of ethnic nationalism.  How do you explain the    self-contradiction and 
the double standards?

The neoconservatives who    have dominated the Bush 43 administration, and who 
are most responsible for    the Iraq War, are dominated by militant Jewish 
ethnic nationalists like    Elliott Abrams and Douglas Feith.  Have either 
Berlet or you ever    addressed this issue?

Also, the repetitive use of "loons" and synonyms    for "loons" is the 
preferred rhetorical style of most neocons ("moonbat" is a    favorite term of 
abuse).  See Little Green Footballs, FrontPage Magazine    and Atlas Shrugs for 
numerous examples.

If you believe the 9/11    official story, you will be a minority of one in 
this group.  For most    us, that debate was concluded long ago -- the official 
story was totally    routed.  How any skeptical and independent mind could 
believe the    official story for an instant is beyond me.

Michael Pugliese    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:             On 6/6/07, Sean 
McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      wrote:
> These are just a few political commentators and      analysts who are making 
> stronger contributions to understanding contemporary      American politics 
> than Berlet. Most of them have been accused of      anti-Semitism at one time 
> or another, simply because they refuse to bow down      before AIPAC, Likud 
> and the neocons. I hardly agree with them on everything,      and they hardly 
> agree with one another on everything, but most of them are      *keeping it 
> real*:
> Alex Jones
> Cindy Sheehan:      Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
> Anti-war      icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11
> Paul Joseph      Watson
> Prison Planet
> Thursday, May 31,      2007

Just out of curiosity, I took a look at this      Prison Planet website. I
had a suspicion that it was another rightwing      outlet that mixes 9/11
conspiracy theory with other wacko ideas. I was      right:

--It links to the Vdare anti-immigrant website.

--It      charges "globalists" with a global warming conspiracy. "Globalists"
are      the same forces that the militias in the 1990s harped on. You know.
The      UN, the Bilderberg, black helicopters and all that.

etc.,      etc.

The website is in the inspiration of one Alex Jones, who has      written
that communists in the West are funded by big corporations.      That's news
to me. Maybe I can hit up General Motors to help defray the      costs      of

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>      Ari Berman, good writer

> Barrie Zwicker, 9-11      conspiranoid.

> Bill Berkowitz, good writer, knew him when I lived      in Oakland, ca. He 
> works at the Data Center, a leftist library.

>      Billmon, ok blog.

> Cenc Uygar, lame Air America host. Confuses      different sectors of the 
> Right. They are all not neo-cons.

> Chris      Hedges, decent journalist...though, methinks the fascistoid 
> potential      of the Xtian Right to take over the political culture is 
> overblown. They      have been a sector of the Right, embattled for a long 
> time now.

>      Christopher Ketcham
> Daniel Hopsicker, another 9-11      conspiranoid.

> David Brock, good muckraker. Though Media Matters      is a bit too 
> Democratic Party loyalist for my taste.

> David Ray      Griffin,
aargh, http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html

>      Douglas Herman, who?
Edward Herman, though is a Milosevic      apologist,
>      Eric Alterman,
>      Eric Margolis, another fan of Milosevic, ecch.

> Frank Rich,      o.k.
> Greg Mitchell, sometimes he makes posts on his E&P column      that get 
> debunked by bloggers.

> James Bamford, o.k.

>      James Fallows, liberal weenie.

> James Petras, lunatic on Israel      and ZOG,
>      James Wolcott, soured on him after he defended friend of Saddam Hussein 
> and      the Syrian Ba'athists, George Galloway.

> Jeff Cohen,      o.k.

> Jeff Huber
> Jeffrey Blankfort, another lunatic. See      the comments I sent here before.

> Jeffrey Steinberg, EFFIN'      LaRoucheite!

> Jim Lobe, o.k.
> John Mearsheimer, o.k. but      see,
>      Joseph Cannon, who?

> Joseph Galloway, who?

> Joshua      Micah Marshall, TPM Muckraker is great.

> Juan Cole,      good.

> Justin Raimondo, when he's good he's good, when he isn't      he is horrible.

> Kathleen Christison, see the comments I sent      earlier via Doug Henwood's 
> list on the Counterpunch anthology on      anti-semitism.

> Kevin Phillips, very good. Though he uses that      crappy LaRoucheite book 
> on the Bush family.

> Kurt Nimmo,      AARGH!

> Michael Lind, good.

> Michael Rivero, is full      of sheeit,
A blog, focused on him, whatdidn'treallyhappen has lots      of howlers from 

> Michael Ruppert, jeesh,
>      Norman Finkelstein,
Marxist critique of N.F.,
Finkelstein's      Follies: The Dangers of Vulgar Anti-Zionism

> Patrick Lang,      good.

> Paul Craig Roberts, THREE CHEERS FOR racist, nativist      anti-immigrant 
> nuttery from Roberts and his vDARE pals.Loved Pinochet too      the supply 
> side pig.

> Paul Joseph Watson, see Jones      above.

> Paul Krugman, good.

> Philip Weiss see comment      on Raimondo.

> Ray McGovern, why did he speak on a tour with      Maoist loons from the RCP?

> Robert Dreyfuss, good writer but, he      writes for the racist, nativist The 
> American Conservative as does Weiss. Pb.      of his book blurbed by EIR, the 
> LaRouche rag, aargh.

> Robert      Fisk, ("I can totally understand why these Afghan's tried to kill 
>      me!.")
good but, when heis bad, oy vey sez this gentile. The Nation      book
review pointed out factual errors in his last tome.

>      Robert Parry, good.

> Robert Scheer, good, except when he was a      fan of Kim Il Sung. See the 
> Ron Radosh autobio.

> Scott      McConnell
> Scott Ritter
> Seymour Hersh, see,
>      Sibel Edmonds
> Sidney Blumenthal, good. Find his book from the mid      70's on JFK 
> assination.

> Stephen Walt
> Steven      Clemons
> Steven Sniegoski, paleo-con, w/ lots of dubious sources on      Israel and 
> Palestine.

> Thom Hartmann
> Tom Barry
>      Wayne Madsen, no credibility, I'll expand later...

> Webster      Tarpley, another (former) LaRoucheite.

> William Odom,      good.

> Xymphora, AARGH.

> Michael      Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      wrote:
> On 6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      wrote:Defending the
> establishment status quo ..
> Oh      really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
>      establishment status quo'ist.
> Eyes Right! (paper)
>      Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
> Chip Berlet (Editor)
>      Released 1995-01-01
> Berlet shows how to counter right-wing      corporate, religious, and
> political agendas, and defend democracy      and diversity.
> http://www.southendpress.org/
>      http://www.publiceye.org/ yup,      sure looks like a neo-con org. to 
> me. Snort.
> Program      Priorities
> Civil Liberties
> Economic Justice
> LGBT      Equity
> Racial Justice
> Reproductive Justice
> The      Christian Right
> http://www.publiceye.org/articles/topics.php
>      * Introduction: the U.S. Political Right
> o Why is the Right so      powerful?
> o Why We Need to Understand the Political Right
> *      How is the Right Organized?
> o Christian Right and Theocracy
>      o Coalition and Competition: an Overview
> o Conservatives
> o      Xenophobic Right
> + Patriot Movement & Militias
> + Ultra      Right
> * The Right's Agenda & Attacks
> o Criminal      Justice
> o Democracy
> o Economic Justice
> o      Environmental Policy
> o Peace, Foreign Policy, & Defense
>      o Immigrant Rights
> o Labor, Workers, and Unions
> o Public      Education
> o Reproductive Rights
> o Sovereignty &      Indigenous Treaty Rights
> * Understanding Bigotry &      Oppression
> o Dynamics of Oppression
> + Apocalyptic      Dualism
> + Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Bigotry
> +      Conspiracism
> + Demonization
> + Scapegoating
> +      Supremacy & Domination
> o Ethnocentrism & Religious      Bigotry
> + Antisemitism & Judeophobia
> +      Arabophobia
> + Islamophobia
> o Hate &      Ethnoviolence
> o Heterosexism & Homophobia
> o Racism &      Xenophobia
> o Sexism & Reproductive Rights
> * The State      and Political Repression
> o Free Expression & Censorship
>      o Civil Liberties
> o Government Misconduct
> o Surveillance      & Spying
> * Tools for Resisting the Right
> o Building      Equality
> o Defending Democracy & Diversity
> o      Links
> o Media & Propaganda
> * Resources for Studying the      Right
> o Policy-Making & Funding
> o Research,      Investigation, & Logic
> o Social Movement Theory
> +      Ideology, Frames and Narratives
> + Right-Wing Populism &      Producerism
> o Studying the US Political Right
> +      Bibliographies
> + Chart of Sectors
> + Directories
> *      Totalitarian Groups
> o Lyndon LaRouche Network
> o Newmanites      & Lenora Fulani
> --
> Michael      Pugliese

Michael Pugliese


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