Alan? rational but risky?
Rational? I'd call that mad.

--- In, "Alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Sean McBride
> smcbride2@ wrote:
> >
> > "Sane": the pursuit of policies that achieve a successful outcome,
> > that improve one's position on the grand chessboard of
> > international politics.  For instance: Adolf Hitler's invasion of
> > Russia was insane from the standpoint of German interests.
> But that's not true. It was rational, for at least a couple of
> reasons. (And note when I say "rational", I do not mean that it
> was not very very risky, with a large chance of failure.) First,
> Hitler knew that he had to have the USSR's energy resources,
> without which his whole military machine would literally grind
> to a halt. Energy shortages were a critical handicap to the
> Germans. Second, Hitler knew that Stalin was about to attack
> to the West, anyway. Hitler's invasion was pre-emptive, and
> "necessary" from his standpoint, and Germany's.
> I see the present military thrusts as motivated by a similar
> desperation, and "rational" from the standpoint of empire
> people with very few options at this late date.
> > Neocon plans to hurl American military force at Israel's neighbors
> > is insane from the standpoint of American interests (and
> > especially from the standpoint of American oil and energy
> > interests).
> >
> > How does one extract oil profitably from a region that is boiling
> > over with hatred for those doing the extracting?  The American
> > military has already exhausted itself in Iraq, and the game has
> > barely begun.
> The "boiling over" part is more recent. We've been over this.
> There was no guarantee that the operation would go well. It could
> have gone a lot better. But it didn't.
> > We know the neocon solution to this problem: exterminate tens of
> > or hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims with nuclear and
> > biological weapons, to commit the most evil act of genocide in
> > human history.  Do most Americans really want to go down that
> > path?  Do American industrial and business elites want to go down
> > that path?  I strongly doubt it.  The rest of the world would rip
> > us to shreds.
> Very good question. Certainly no one would ADMIT that they want
> to go down that path. And most everyone would not even admit it
> to themselves. But it depends on which question is asked. Do we
> support nuke/bio genocide? NO, of course not! Do we support the
> continuation of our "way of life", "non-negotiably"? Yes, sadly.
> And there is the rub. Most people will vote for continuation of
> our way of life, offered by leaders not so indiscrete as to
> be honest about what that will entail. As long as the leaders
> are halfway (or even quarter-way) decent liars, the imperial
> initiative will go on, without substantial objections from the
> people.
> >
> > There is enormous opposition to the neocon agenda within the
> > American power elite, and even from leading members of the Bush 43
> > administration.  Have you been reading the memoirs and comments of
> > the Bush 43 dissenters and defectors?  If my analysis is correct,
> > and I am confident it is, we are on the verge of a major explosion
> > between the traditional American power elite and the neocons.  I
> > hope this development won't take you by surprise -- you've been
> > given the straight dope. :)
> I am fully prepared, and anxious, to be surprised, and proven
> wrong about everything. But I doubt that I will be.  :-)
> Alan

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