On Fri, May 03, 2019 at 12:27:28PM +0200, Gonzalo L. Rodriguez wrote:
> I have tried a bit the port, I am not a rust expert but so far looks good and
> portcheck is happy with it, once installed:
> [+] Connecting to database
> [+] Loaded 27 modules
> [sn0int][default] > use ctlogs
> [sn0int][default][kpcyrd/ctlogs] > run
> [-] Failed "foobar.org": Failed to find current executable
> [+] Finished kpcyrd/ctlogs (1 errors)
> [sn0int][default][kpcyrd/ctlogs] >
> Do I am missing something here?

Thanks for pointing this out, I've looked into this bug and released a
bugfix release, the updated port is attached to this email.

The in-depth analysis of this bug is that I've been using
std::env::current_exe() which has a special catch on openbsd if the
binary location has been resolved with $PATH instead of a relative or
absolute path. In that specific case it fails to spawn a child process
that is used as a sandbox to run the script.

This has been resolved in 0.11.2.

Attachment: sn0int-0.11.2.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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