Mike writes: Sony went after www.dixiechicks.com a fan operated site for
the simple fact he
had clips from the pre Nashville era on site, not entire songs, just 30
second clips and they didn't want that sound exposed to the public so they
sent the suits a callin'.

Is this true? Not a big fan of the current Dixie Chicks, they're a little
too, um, overexposed, IMO. But their previous output is pretty good
alt.country from the early part of this decade. Are they really trying to
tell their fans that the earlier configuration of the band didn't exist? or
is this something the record suits thought up. I can hear the boardroom
talk now, "we can't let anybody hear these girls when they were a
hillbilly/swing band. It was real country and we don't do that around
here." <g>
Jim, smilin'

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