>Jim, always smilin' writes:
Are they really trying to
>tell their fans that the earlier configuration of the band didn't exist? or
>is this something the record suits thought up. I can hear the boardroom
>talk now, "we can't let anybody hear these girls when they were a
>hillbilly/swing band. It was real country and we don't do that around
>here." <g>
According to the owner of the site the suits say it's the girls who don't
want the past exposed but he and I find that hard to believe, particularly
in light of the quality of the earlier works.  There is also a concerted
effort to eliminate any references to the pre Natalie members. From the
There are literally hundreds of pictures of the current Chicks online -- of
varying levels of quality -- but none that I can find from the pre-Natalie
era. This page features images of the original Dixie Chicks, including Robin
and Laura. The page includes old publicity photos, scans of the CD liner
notes from the first three albums, and now even old concert photos and
pictures of the Chicks posing with their fans. And if you're surfing with
images off, don't worry... this page is completely text-friendly, unlike far
too many other Chicks Pix sites.

Robin Lynn Macy -- before and after the Dixie Chicks
A talented songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist, Robin Macy not only helped
found the Dixie Chicks but even gave them their name -- a fact never
mentioned in the official Sony bio. Robin was also active in the Dallas
music scene both before and after her three years with the Cowgirl Band.
Also from the site:
When the Dixie Chicks' management sent their lawyers after my Old Chicks
sounds, it sparked a wave of unexpected publicity... from notes in online
Nashville insider columns to a feature article in the local Dallas Observer
I've put together a page of online "press clippings," including links to the
sources and to the articles themselves, where they exist. As Nashville
insider Stacy Harris pointed out, "there's no such thing as bad publicity!"
Again, it is a fascinating look at the corporate boardroom maneuvering that
takes place when image over music is the motto. www.dixiechicks.com
Mike Hays
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