On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Jon Weisberger wrote:

> > Are they really trying to
> > tell their fans that the earlier configuration of the band didn't
> > exist? or is this something the record suits thought up.
> How about neither.  The bio on their page on Sony's website
> (http://www.sonymusic.com/labels/nashville/DixieChicks/Bio.html) discusses
> earlier configurations of the band.

That isn't much of a test; one wouldn't expect a corporate site devoted to
the Dixie Chicks' current incarnation to do much more, and as someone else
pointed out, it doesn't "discuss" earlier configurations, it barely
mentions them. 

Laura Lynch used to hang around after the shows the group did at Johnny
D's and was quite open about Robin leaving because she felt the band was
taking too commercial a turn. Even then, given the information on some of
the sites, that's a bit of a gloss. "Rewriting history" may be too strong
a phrase to use under the circumstances, but I think they're very tightly
controlling their marketing and image right now.

(And as others have said, that's fine if that's what the current members
want, but it's a shame that the contributions of Lynch and Macy are swept
under in the process and that new fans of the group will miss out on the
three better albums.)


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