Tera wrote;
>  For example - Although I acknowledge the musicianship on the Dixie Chicks "
> debut" cd, I totally dislike Natalie Maines' voice.  For me, her voice is 
> grating; similar to a mid-pitched meat grinder.

   Agreed.  And in light of all the discussion here of whether they're
downplaying their past or not, I'd say she's easily the weakest of all their
vocalists .  And now they're millionairesses, go figure.

>  Trisha Yearwood -  a dramatic soprano who shoves the Wagnerian principle 
> down our throats.  A wonderful voice hampered by an inability to sing from 
> her head.

   More or less agreed.

>  Influence?  Linda Ronstadt - another great voice, full of quivering
>  but devoid of sincerity and emotion.

    Devoid of sincerity or emotion???  Hmm...I wouldn't say that as much as
guilty of overcooking it, but I haven't heard as much of her stuff as I
probably should.

Dan Bentele

"Back in them days, there wasn't very much to do."  (Ralph Stanley)

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