I would be interested in knowing how much a voice, quality, tone and so forth influences you in your likeability quotient of any cd.
For example - Although I acknowledge the musicianship on the Dixie Chicks "debut" cd, I totally dislike Natalie Maines' voice.  For me, her voice is grating; similar to a mid-pitched meat grinder.
Sara Evans - Absolutely piercing alto quality.  Never modulates and sings from the back of her throat.  I get a total kick out of any reviewer who has labeled her the next coming of Patsy Cline.  Not a bad voice, but I wish she'd tone it down considerably.
Trisha Yearwood -  a dramatic soprano who shoves the Wagnerian principle down our throats.  A wonderful voice hampered by an inability to sing from her head.
Influence?  Linda Ronstadt - another great voice, full of quivering vibratto, but devoid of sincerity and emotion.
A voice means a lot to me in liking/disliking a recording.  I would be interested in any of your thoughts  regarding vocal performance.  Who do you like or dislike  and why?

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