Reply to:   Re: Dixie Chicks
Sure, the Chicks deserve some credit. The Erwin sisters are doin' a really great job.

Nothing against Nathalie Maines, but "Little Ol' Cowgirl" (1992) is still the best 
Dixie Chicks Album. But let's wait for the next one...

Hans P.

BustertheK wrote:
> Give them some credit. The suits all wanted them to change their (horribly
>offensive and politically incorrect) name and they refused. They also insisted
>on playing on their own records, which probably didn't go over well in a lot
>of offices either.
>   The sisters got what they wanted and they did it their way. It's a shame
>people don't get to hear their earlier albums (I think the third one
>especially would be enjoyed by their new fans) but they do have different
>vocalists and at this stage of their careers it would probably cause a lot of
>confusion in the marketplace. Not everything is an evil corporate conspiracy.
>I've seen plenty of bios that completely ignore an acts previous releases.
>This one is actually very good by those standards.

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