Jason  wrote;
> Since when does "middle class" mean anything? If I'm not mistaken, Gram came
>  from old Florida money and wasn't exactly born in a little bitty tar hut.
>  Didn't make a damn worth of difference to his ability and he even papered
>  over the cracks that appeared in his story.

     Wow, as Ndubb said, you touched on just about every minefield this list
has seen the last few years, Jason (Class+Authenticity+Gram
Parsons+chops=Plutonium 238!!! <g>.  No, I wan't trying to infer or project
anything by "middle class", just trying to figure out what Jon meant in an
earlier post, which he and Barry have since straightened out pretty well.

I actually miss all those class threads go figure,

Dan Bentele  

n.p.  uhh...how 'bout "$1000 Wedding", GP?

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