
Jeff Weiss, he say: <<Some sort of demarcation has just taken place. Those
old enough to remember the stacking turntables and those who don't and,
accordingly, are young 'uns. Stacking turntable spindle thingees.... those
were the days.>>

I loved the stacking turntable spindle thingees. As a young 'un, I'd put on
a stack of as many of my momma's Elvis records as the spindle thingee could
hold without getting too wobbly and I'd enjoy the rest of the day listening
to the King and working on my Elvis impersonation skills.

However, I really didn't care for those yellow insert thingees for 45s. You
never could seem to find one when you needed one...usually my sister was
turning them into strange future fashion headwear for Barbie dolls.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Hillbilly Idol, Town and Country

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