>I'll try reposting this question, to see if anyone of our music scholars
>the answer....
>I stumbled upon an album by Our Favorite Band (OFB)
>which had Michael Stipe listed as a guest vocalist.  I also recall seeing a
>Scorcher listed as a "guest" musician as well... Can anyone tell me
>about this band/release?  It was on Bigtime.


i wouldn't exactly call myself a music scholar, but i actually had  or have
this in my collection of vinyl, and i actually went and searched for it when
you posted this the first time but i had no luck, so i dunno if it's been
lost or just hiding from me.  i remember there being some scorchers
connection - warner or jason i'm thinking??? and maybe i'm completely
spacing out but wasn't there some alex chilton connection, too?  it's been
so many years ago i honestly can't remember what it sounded like.  that was
back in the days i  listened to the replacements, dream syndicate, love
tractor, etc almost exclusively...  so this really isn't much help, sorry.


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