On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Amy Haugesag wrote:

> Kip sez:

> >     Oh contraire, I'm glad Westerberg grew up. Now I just wish he'd
> >stop making crappy music. Or are you making the case that artists of a
> >certain age aren't capable of being as good as they were in their youth?

        Amy H. retorts:
> I don't think that's what Jim is saying.

        Well, I didn't really think that's what Jim was saying, either. I
was just trying to get some dust flying <g>.
 He's saying that people complain
> because Waterbug isn't the impassioned genius/brat that he once was--he's a
> boring old fart, in essence, and his recent records would be dullsville
> even if he were Ryan's age--but they also complain because Ryan is still
> young and stupid enough to play the impassioned genius/brat without apology
> or regret; they wish Ryan would act more like a mature adult. And that's a
> contradiction.

        See, I don't think it is a contradiction. It is completely
unreasonable to think (hope?) that impassioned, creative geniuses might
also be....considerate, thoughtful human beings? Besides, Adam is 24 now,
he ain't all *that* young anymore. And really, why do people pin
Westerberg's lameness on him getting older, as if his actual chronological
age is the key to this? Maybe he's simply said all that he has to say. The
problem is, he keeps talking <g>.                               


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