On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> lang was actually run out of country music because of her radical
> vegetarianism. She did some anti-beef print ads that riled up the
> midwesterners, who in turn refused to play her records.

        Oh for christ sake...the fact that K.D. made her anti-meat
sentiments loudly known had a lot less to do with her lack of success in
the country market than the fact that she didn't look/act the way
succesful Top 40 female artists are supposed to look/act.
 There are several
> lesbians in country music who have done quite well.
        Oh really? By all means, name even one successful *openly* gay
country artist, male or female. It's still considered the commerical kiss
of death to publicly cop to same sex orientation in country circles. It's
a fact, jack. That's why K.D. eventually left country music, which she
loved: she didn't feel welcome. A shame too. I find her straight up pop
music a lot less interesting than her twang stuff.      

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