>One thing worth mentioning -- Dylan's been radically reinterpreting his
>songs in concert for years.  Check out the '74 live album Before The Flood
>for some *very* different versions of some familiar Dylan

Yes, true enough, true enough, indeed. However, since my reply was
specifically in reference to a Dylan fan wary of wasting $30 in the near
future, I thought I'd concentrate on the current state of Dylan
interpretation. Besides, it could be argued that Bob's croaky destruction of
"Masters of War" a few years back on the Grammies was also a
reinterpretation--it just sucked. The same goes for that listless,
unforgivable Letterman appearance, and the list goes on and on.
Disappointments have abounded.

Now though--and for whatever personal reasons--his powers of
(self)-redefintion seem to have been rejuvenated, and it would seem a shame
to pass up this golden opportunity. And, for what it's worth, I think Bob's
show now is much better than that recorded for Before the Flood. I
understand that that was the last show for that Band/Bob tour, and I would
probably have a different opinion had a SEEN the show, but nevertheless,
there's only a few moments on that record that really jump out at me.

Lance . . .

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