William T. Cocke wrote:

> During the "Slowhand" phase, to be precise. I'm pretty sure
> he included a couple of Don Williams songs on that album.

The very wonderful "We're All the Way" is on there.  He also covered
"Tulsa Time" but that turned up on another album I think.  I have seen
mention of Clapton doing a song called "Country Boy" in concert around
this time and have always wondered if that is the Don Williams number
"I'm Just a Country Boy" (.....' money have I none' .....).  Anyone

> I do remember that during interviews at the time
> (ca. 1977, I think) Clapton came across as a kind of Don
> Williams convert -- could this be considered his "country"
> album, I wonder?

Certainly has some countryish stylings here and there.  It also has some
great rockers, like "The Core".

> Was this all covered in the ND article?

Still looking for the damn thing on this side of the atlantic...

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