stuart wrote:

> This has been an interesting and enjoyable thread.  Since the Alex in the subject
> line is my teenaged son, and since Im going to London to visit him and the rest
> of the crew next week,  I  want to ask the British P2 squadron if there is any
> good music happening between the 19th and 28th.   And I'm actually quite curious
> about one of the clubs Louise talks about with the quite mad cowboy patrons.
> Stuart

Well, not being from London, I don't know exactly what goes on up there. From what
I've seen in the past, the London crowds are more sophisticated than most so you
might not get to see any mad cowgirls <g> Here is a link that gives a good gig
guide, written by Bob Patterson who is a DJ on Country Music Radio for Europe:

For the madder side of British country, check out this gig/club review:

I thought this bit was quite, er, apt:

<On to the shoot out as usual run by RONDO and his wife FIGHTING SPIRIT, sixteen
shooters and no time lost in getting underway as there was an auction to follow o
with during the same amount of time usually taken for gunfighters. The eventual
winner of the shoot-out was RED, nice to see a different name in print by way of a

Unfortunately, my own band isn't gigging between the 19th and 28th, otherwise I'd
suggest us <g>. For anyone else interested, the Okeh Wranglers will be playing at
the Railway Inn, Winchester on March 3rd.  No door fee.

Apologies for the SSP,


If you like rocking country music, check out the Okeh Wranglers web site at:

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