On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 00:10:43 +0000 Stevie Simkin 

> after all, and I seem to remember Clapton went thru a bit 
>of a Williams worshipping phase

During the "Slowhand" phase, to be precise. I'm pretty sure 
he included a couple of Don Williams songs on that album. 
Those royalties couldn't have hurt Williams  or JJ Cale, 
for that matter, because it was a popular record. I should 
remember, because it was *huge* while I was in high school. 
I do remember that "Cocaine" was one of those mid-tempo 
songs that was impossible to dance to -- do you try to slow 
dance or do you try is a fast dance thing or do you just 
give up and go outside with your buds (pun intended) and 
chug the warm beer you've got stashed in the bushes? 

I do remember that during interviews at the time 
(ca. 1977, I think) Clapton came across as a kind of Don 
Williams convert -- could this be considered his "country" 
album, I wonder? Was this all covered in the ND article?

I saw Clapton at the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville 
during the "Slowhand" tour and Williams opened for him 
there. Was this the case for the rest of the tour? I don't 
remember much about that show because of all the Miller 
ponies consumed on the 2 hr. drive.

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

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