If this is the case, and I have no reason to dispute it,
why should poor old Garth get such a ragging around here
for all *his* efforts at self-marketing?  It's just a difference
of scale, isn't it?

Ross Whitwam            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NYC

At 10:27 PM -0600 16/2/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Despite what y'all say about SXSW or any event like it, I think that when
>playing a showcase, or any CSRF like it, it is up to the artist to make the
>most of what's available. You *do* have the opportunity to get important
>people out to see your band/act if you take the initiative to let people
>know you're out there. You can't expect to just show up and draw a crowd.
>These things are really about networking, getting the word out about what
>makes you different or better than what else is out there. If you go into
>it thinking that you've got no shot and no one cares, your probably right.
>If you work at it and actually have something interesting to say or maybe
>think of different way to grab some attention, the right folks will find
>you. These events are good opportunities, if you look at them as a start or
>continuation of whatever plan you have and if you don't have a plan, then
>maybe you better reconsider what you're doing in the first place.
>Jim, off my soapbox

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