At 5:34 PM -0800 17/2/99, stuart wrote:
>Ross Whitwam wrote:
>> If this is the case, and I have no reason to dispute it,
>> why should poor old Garth get such a ragging around here
>> for all *his* efforts at self-marketing?  It's just a difference
>> of scale, isn't it?
>Well sure.  But its also the same difference of scale that gives the
>rich and poor equal rights to sleep under the bridge.

Exactly.  If someone is forced by circumstances to sleep under
a bridge, that's a shame.  If someone choses to live under
a bridge, I'd consider that an odd choice and not necessarily
one that reflects well on him or her, but who am I to begrudge
that person the right to do so?

>Scale matters.
>Plus it's the damn spectacle of Lord Garth that I find so annoying.

I suspect you're not alone in that.  I just don't see why
hustle and self-promotion were positive things when Garth
was as unknown as any tyro heading to SXSW for the first time,
but bad things now that he's corporational.  His music I
might legitimately dislike, but his drive and ambition, however
misdirected I might find them, do not offend me at all.

Ross Whitwam            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NYC

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