Cheryl writes: To me, a timeline based on an alternative way of looking at
country music
would be a lot more intersting and useful than a timeline of alternative
country bands. (Well, you can do your own, then!) Rather than having to
decide, "is this artist really alternative country?" the question would be,
"how does this artist fit into an alterantive way of looking at country
music?" How does Ralph Stanley fit in? Tish Hinojosa? Merle Haggard? What
effect does Garth Brooks have? Etc.

I agree. Now how do *WE* get this thing thing off the ground? I've got a
project in mind that I'd like to use this very valuable tool for and I
can't wait too long to get started. Of SXSW is getting in the way. sheesh

I (heart) Cheryl Cline.

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