Smilin' Jim said:
>I agree with Dina, although I've heard  a lot more than she has. It seems
>like standard rock-crit snobbery (is that a word? <g>) that most of the
>general public just ignores.

Hey there, I'm not sure what I said that you're agreeing with, Jim.  I
posed a question, not offering an opinion, and wasn't trying to imply
snobbery on the part of the critics.  I was just wondering if these are
albums/artists that most people ("people" meaning real people who buy
records, not critics who have anything and everything cross their desk for
free) have heard of if they pay attention to mainstream sources such as MTV
(which would mean that I'm REALLY out of touch if I don't know who they
are) or whether some are considered to be obscure, or whether any of these
are  considered to be popular albums/artists.

Oh wait, now I know--I think you were agreeing with me about the fact that
I live under a rock!

Dina, older than some dirt but younger than other dirt

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