Barry wrote;
> The worst mistake is supposed to be to say anything about this
>  rudeness or to try to hush it..Yoiu become an instant heavy.

      I'm afraid you're right Barry, but it is getting out of hand, I mean
it's really getting bad.  I was within oh, 15 feet last night of Richard
Buckner as he played an abolutely riveting set and was surrounded on each side
by groups of folks who could not shut up (or recognize the damn-near genius
occurring right in front of them, YMMV on that <g>).  If nothing else, why
someone would want to be that close to a singer-songwriter as talented as
Buckner while she's tearing his way through "22" and be laughing and carrying
on about some irrelevant bullsh*t is just mind-blowing to me.  Take it to the
back of the room.  I mean would  these folks go to a book reading by a great
author or a painting class with some leading painter and balance their
checkbooks???  Somehow I said nothing, fearing that if I did I would just
explode and end up getting kicked out-I was that near physically losing it.

      I mean it's getting bad, and I don't know what to do.  Maybe just wait
til the end of the entire show and politely ask them not to do it next time?
Plead?  Bribe them to can it?  Start packing heat???

I hear your pain, Neal,
dan bentele

"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna have them turn the lights on here so
everyone can see who the asshole is."  (Steve Earle to persistent heckler,
Amsterdam, 1996)

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