<< I wouldn't dream of casting a politically incporrect pallor
 over any baby bands by identifying them by name, but trust me...there's some
 really good punk-tinged-country-rock going on out there. >>

Please divulge, Ms. Jdiva, the names of the really good stuff that's tickling
your ear. I'm always one for your passionate opinion and I must confess to
being a cynic at this point, not just regarding Tupelo knockoffs but the the
whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as well. Sad to say, but I have
so little patience for CDs by guys with acoustic guitars or bands of post-
college boys with a few twangy instruments and band names plucked from the
twang cliche machine, countless of which are piled up in my office at this
moment in time. Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is
another. It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations and Pete
Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that category. 

What was my point here?

Neal Weiss
np - Sleater-Kinney 

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