On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Please divulge, Ms. Jdiva, the names of the really good stuff that's
> tickling your ear. I'm always one for your passionate opinion and I must
> confess to being a cynic at this point, not just regarding Tupelo
> knockoffs but the the whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as
> well. Sad to say, but I have so little patience for CDs by guys with
> acoustic guitars or bands of post-college boys with a few twangy
> instruments and band names plucked from the twang cliche machine,
> countless of which are piled up in my office at this moment in time.
> Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is another.
> It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
> to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations
> and Pete Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that
> category. 

I'm kinda with our LA rock critic on this one.  Most alt-country albums
are undistinguished, cliche-ridden mediocrities (the new albums from the
Damnations and Krebs being two very big exceptions).  I suppose you could
say the same about any other genre you care to name, but the volume of
twang-rock poo seems to be increasing to a dangerously high level.
Anyway, I'm also interested in hearing what's got the Austin twang-rock
queen so hot at the moment.--don

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