> whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as well. Sad to say, but I have
> so little patience for CDs by guys with acoustic guitars or bands of post-
> college boys with a few twangy instruments and band names plucked from the
> twang cliche machine, countless of which are piled up in my office at this
> moment in time. Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is
> another. It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
> to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations and Pete
> Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that category. 
> Neal Weiss
Geez, Neal, if folks like you don't listen to those piles of twang
hopefuls, and then sift out all the crap, then we're gonna have to do all
the dirty work. C'mon, we depend on you guys to sacrifice your ears to the
common weal, to save all the rest of us schmucks from wasting untold
fortunes on Twang Devil, and Barbed Heart, and Cowboy Ear, and Dudley
Doright and the Mounties, and, aw, you know what I mean. So, buck up, son
and get back to work. There's another dozen pieces of twang shit to listen
to, in order to find that one diamond. -- Terry Smith (now, who the hell
is Pete Krebs?)

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