At 08:19 AM 3/1/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Hey there,
>Neal opens the door...
>>And to all you non Los Angelenos out there, this has got to at least 
>>prove that there's what, at least three, four or five cool folks that
>>from this his region, right?
>Who are the other four?
>...and I step through.
>Boom boom. One in a row.

Neal's wife, Me and Corrie and Michael B. He hasn't been with his
girlfriend long wnough for us to evalutate her "cool factor." She'll be
taking the test in about two and a half weeks.... in Austin.

Jeff, who is remembering the "Baltimore Colts test" scene in Diner

PS - I ain't one of the LA hipsters... I just play one in the suburbs.

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