Dina asked why a person might scream out for a cheesy pop cover...

Well, speaking only for myself, I have to say that I enjoy "Jet."  A lot.
So sue me <g>.  

On the topic of covers, generally, I enjoy the occasional incongruous
cover that an artist throws into the set, even the cheese.  Especially
when the artist can make the cover song sound uniquely "theirs."  I guess
I like the novelty of it.  A song ends and I expect to hear another
fabulous original.  But no, instead I get "Jet."  Fabulous!  Hilarious! 
I'm thinking of the first time I heard The Derailers' cover of Prince's
"Raspberry Beret" or The V-Roys' cover of IOU by The Replacements.  I
guess one could make the argument that the above songs are not really
cheese, but I like 'em all. 

Still standing by my plan to scream for "Jet,"


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