Diana writes: Well, i held my nose and just voted in JUST A FEW of the TNN
Music City
News Country Awards.

Yeah, but it felt good to get that vote for Mike Ireland in there.

>>>she told me that the line-dancing bars are all closing (that's true) and
the western wear shops are starting to fall like dominoes.

While may sound like a good thing to most of us, here, I find it kind of
distressing. Is the music that's being called country today, any better
than it was 4 or 5 years ago, when everything was rosy? It also make me
wonder how do we get the word out to the masses that there is a lot of good
to great real country music out there that they just don't know about? Is
this at all possible? Didn't a couple of major country related magazines
close up within the past year because of lack of support?
I think that country radio is a lost cause and Americana is having problems
of it's own. (In case some of you don't know, the Americana editor at the
Gavin Report quit a couple of weeks back and has been replaced this week,
with someone with a lot of question marks next to her name.)
Radio may not even be the answer. But I'd like to know what is. What's it
gonna take to wake EVERYBODY up?
Off my soapbox,

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