
CK: << I would prefer not to have my e-mail address out there on a buncha
web pages. >>

Deb: <<I have to agree with CK on this one.  I get enough mail from nuts as
it is.>>

Fortunately for Deb, Jeff Wall is shipping out to sea in April... Badum-bum.
Thank you, thank you very much.

Seriously though, I think part of the beauty of this list is that it isn't
necessarily publicly available. I think most of us feel a little freer to
express ourselves with the knowledge that whatever missives we send will
find its way to a limited audience, rather than the entire internet system.

Of course, there's always the possibility of publicizing the fluff

Take care,

Shane Rhyne, working late
Knoxville, TN

NP: Lone Justice, "Don't Toss Us Away"

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