At 11:53 AM -0800  on 3/10/99, Don Yates wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Derek Sampson wrote:
>> I don't want to piss List Daddy Yates off anymore with this topic.
>So why do all you goofballs keep talkin' about it?!  Jeesuz, move on
>please.  If anyone still feels impelled to apologize to someone about
>this trivial nonsense, just email them privately. thanks, don (who has a
>nasty chest cold and will graphically describe the taste, texture and
>color of his phlegm to the next person who posts about SUVs)

Note to Nicholas Petti: You were supposed to send Don the cough syrup,
not the cod-liver oil. Now he's cranky, sick, and *sober*. Rush up the
good stuff so we can get the old Don back, OK?


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