Kate writes:

>Well, well, well....maybe if they started playing folks like Dale 
>Watson, The Derailers, Duane Jarvis, Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale 
>Gilmore, Rosie Flores, Kelly Willis, Jann Browne, Heather 
>Myles, Mike Ireland, Lucinda, Lauderdale, Cisco, The Hollisters, 
>Buddy Miller and Steve Earle they'd get those 
>listeners back.
>.....just a thought!

     I don't think that big changes are in the works, personally.  Radio
has been taking its lumps on this subject for years and they inevitably
chalk it up to "a vocal minority of malcontents," or words to that
effect.  In addition, most of these artists are on small labels and don't
have the dough to duke it out toe-to-toe with the majors in terms of
pushing their stuff at radio.  
     Finally, my most cynical belief is that collective change is
unlikely simply because it sounds too much like the consultants admitting
that they've been wrong.  
     I recall a Dale Watson interview a couple of years back where he
said that he would gladly accept a country music industry that was half
its current size if it meant that the music got back to its roots as a
result.  If radio continues its current approach, he might just get his
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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