From: Terry A. Smith

>Coming from the country side,
>the main reason to have a problem with Shania (and her increasing progeny)
>is her desertion of "real country," and as Jon and others have so well
>argued, the notion of pure or real country music isn't unlike a
>toddler's idea of Camelot.

Correct me if I'm wrong here (and I've been meaning to bring this up about
Shania), but since when was Shania ever really "Country."  From what I've
read about her, she was singing pop songs in a Vegas format in some vacation
lodges in Canada.  It just so happens that the one person that "discovered"
her was from Nashville.  Her musical background before that time was pretty
much "Pop" bands playing in Ontario.
It seems to me that Shania had a dream of one day making it big in the music
industry, and when she got her chance, she took it.  Had it been some guy
from LA vacationing in Canada who asked her to come back with him so that
she could be Sony's new star recording artist, we would be listening to her
as the latest Pop Diva, and all these questions about her allegiance to
"Real Country" music would be completely irrelevant.
This is pretty evident by the fact that instead of folding to the whims of
Nashville and becoming another music publisher's puppet, she fond Mutt Lange
(or should I say he found her), who in return allowed her to do things her
own way.  It is simply guilt by association that it was someone from
Nashville that opened the doors for her to do what she has always wanted to
do from the start.
If you're going to blame anyone, blame Nashville for still holding onto her.


ducking and hiding

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