actually, the email that's being sent around talks about a bill in
Congress dealing with the internet and local/long distance phone rates.
There IS NO BILL remotely like this. That email, indeed, IS a hoax and I
cringe every time it's sent to me (several times a week).
The FCC story, however, is real. Most folks who cover Washington,
including the FCC, know that the idea of charging long distance phone
rates for internet access is a political hot potato.
The warning applies, though -- don't send around bits of "news" that
you've been emailed without checking them out.

On another note: -- there IS a real virus floating around -- called
happy99.exe (or something similar). I've received this executable as an
attachment four times in the past week, but, thank goodness, didn't open
it. If you open it (it's a little video of fireworks in the sky), it'll
attach itself to every email that YOU then send out! boo! there's
evidently a fix at an url that someone mailed. me. This really IS a

NP:Elena Skye

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