Cowboy boots hurt, there's no getting around it. A slave to fashion in the days, I wore the damn things for years, and the only
use I ever found for them was, one time I was shooting a rodeo for a small
paper in SW Colorado, and when an avalanche of wild bull started heading
my way, the pointy toes were perfect for scampering up the chain-link fence
on the side of the arena. I tried wearing my old ones a couple years ago,
and just about strained  myself a hernia in disebelief that I could ever
have worn these things on a regular basis.

Anyway, your question. K  Mart sells dandy cowboy boots, leastways they
used to.

Another cowboy boot story. I used to wear them in college, back east, and
one spring break, my pal and I went out to New Mexico, both, of course,
sporting our cowboy boots. On a beer stop in Tulsa, a group of local boys
saw us, spotted our cowboy boots, and in between uproarious laughter,
declared, "Ha, you fellers are wearing cowboy boots, you must be from
Ohio." That's around the time I learned the word, "apocryphal." -- Terry Smith

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