Okay as you can tell, we opted for the Buckner show because 
a.) he's not local so who knows when he'll be back, and b.) Slobberbone
was in Denton and nobody knew how to get there... 
        Buckner came on right when we got to the club. He was really
unpretentious and nice, bringing his own equipment onstage and everything.
If he needs a roadie, I'd gladly quit school right now and work for free.
Why the hell not. Anyway, the whole set was just Richard and Penny
sitting up there...it was all electric. The drums were a different touch, 
but it was very cool. He played all of the more rockin' songs from
"Devotion and Doubt" and "Since"...nothing from "Bloomed". There were a
few that I didn't even recognize, but I think it's just cause he kind of
mumbles and the sound system was sucking. But it was definitely as good
as I thought it would be...The "D & D" songs..."figure", "4 a.m.", etc.
came across really well electric. It was beautiful...I saw Richard walking
around the club later and wanted to go talk to him, but chickened out...
        Sebadoh...I was suprised at how much I liked them,
considering that I've never been a big fan and didn't own any albums. For
a 3-piece band, they were AMAZINGLY impressive. There was a center of
power coming out of their music that totally transcended the crappy venue
and crappy fans...I think it blew everyone away. Lou was in a happy
mood, tearing up the stage...He said that this was the first night in
months or something that he'd broken any guitar strings. I'd
definitely go see them again.
        Andre, I totally agree with you about Deep Ellum Live. What a
horrible place. I really hope I never have to go back there again.
The staff were total assholes, the crowd sucked, the sound system kept
falling apart. Nothing about that place deserved a show as cool as it got
last night.
        Anyway, that's it. Thanks for all the recommendations...


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