Rik makes  a couple of  points that really bug me:>> It's all relative and
transitional at best because in 5-10 years these tunes we listen to now
will be gathering dust in some used CD section of your local Media Play.

Please tell me why this is a good thing. Rik, have you listened to country
radio lately? Do you know the dreck that the "big boys" are foisting on the
public? Can you honestly say that "these tunes we listen to now" aren't
more interesting and just plain better than that fluff? Why shouldn't more
people hear them, then?

>>Do we have anything better to do than postulate in perpetuity about the
sales figures and format names of something that is a $14.99 retail
investment. What's the deal with the infatuation with sales figures and
getting heard.

I never said anything about sales figures, at least directly. I see no
reason to NOT want this music to be heard by as many people as possible. If
you agree the music is good, why shouldn't you be glad to turn other people
on to it? and 15 bucks, to some people, is a lot for maybe 40 minutes of
what's supposed to be entertainment.

Remember there's always the delete key. <g>
Jim, smilin'

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