At 03:50 PM 1/20/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Is it really necessary to toss around all the expletives in 
>these discussions.

No, it's not really necessary, but we all have our little faults. Yates is
a folkie, Cantwell is a midget, Weisberger loves Garth, and I cuss. But I
guess I did go overboard this time 2 shits, 3 fucks, and a goddamned. If I
was Catholic, I guess I would be gargeling with Holy Water while
simultainously saying Hail Mary's. Thank God I'm Baptist, Backsliding
Baptist at that. The Ass and Pussy don't really count as being obscene
because as the Nashville Princess's have stated numerous times, All of us
WGWG (White Guy's With Glasses) are pussies.

>Your passion is understandable but is
>f*%$ this and that really required to make a point. 

No, not at all. But when I'm really tired and I post, The words just come
out without any conscious thought. I just type the words in my head without
running them thru anytype of "Is this appropriate?" "Is this going to
offend" types of filters.

I would
>argue that if kids are a focus to turn on to americana you
>might not be the one to lead the way. 

Hate to tell all of y'all this, but if y'all are counting on me or my words
to be the Alt Country Poster Boy, you people are in serious need of a CAT
scan. I don;t have the desire to be the representative of anything. As for
the kids.... fuck em. When they can learn to pull their goddamned pants up
so they ain't hanging off their asses, and when they learn that a thumper
stereo destroys good music (ever try to listen to Bill Monroe or the
Stanleys through a Thumper Stereo), then maybe I'll start to believe that
they have enough common sense to be worth saving. The whole tied died, body
pierced, weird hair, goofy pants hanging down off their ass bunch of them.

BTW, you mention Jeffrey Renz Country Standard Time magazine and the fact
that it does not suck. I have to agree with you. His magazine does not
suck, although IN MY OPINION ONLY, he covers too much music that DOES suck.
(BTW, He thinks that *I* suck, he's probably right) Other magazines that
don't suck terribly bad that you might be interested in would be Peter
Blackstocks No Depression. ND doesn't suck although I've accused Peter of
sucking a time or two. Just when I get up a full head of steam, he does
something nice like drop me an e-mail. THAT'S WHY HE SUCKS. HE AIN'T EVEN
DECENT ENOUGH TO BE AN ASSHOLE! What kind of editor is that? Those Miles of
Music guys have them up a webzine that doesn't suck either. In fact, the
only sucking that goes on there is Jeff Weiss sucking the money out of your
pockets. Besides, I secretly have a crush on the entire Weiss family, Jeff,
Neal, and Corrie. If I asked them to adopt, would I have to convert? Are
BLT's Kosher? If I got a rabbi drunk and got him to bless my pig, then
could I slip by?

Basically, on one hand, I'm sorry that you felt offended. That wasn't my
intention. I never try to offend. Annoy, yes. Offend, no. But the problem
is this. If that post offended you, you would probably be better off
deleting all my posts unread because I know, deep down in my heart, that I
will offend you again. I can't help it, It's a talent.

Getting ready to take a shovel to the wife if she don't quit yelling at me.
I bet Satan looks just like your ex-wife. That's what Hell is, being
re-united to spend eternity with a nagging bitch.


Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
727 Alder Circle - Va Beach, Va - 23462 -(757) 467-3764

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