USA Today had a story on its Life section cover today, "Big Busines Means
Discord for Small Bands," which goes into the Universal Music Group merger
with PolyGram Entertainment, and what it means for big label rosters. The
article said Universal is trimming its roster, to "sell more records by
focusing marketing, promotion and publicity efforts on fewer artists... As
many as 400 to 500 bands may face the blade over the next few months..."

It goes on to say that sturdy indies might benefit by getting a lot of the
big-label castoffs, and also that other big labels might be following
Universal's example.

Anyhow, maybe somebody can post this to the list, since it has a lot of
relevance to that article Neal posted yesterday. -- Terry Smith

ps so who's been dissing Bocephus? I'm with the folks who remember how
vital old Hank Jr. was in the old days, putting out a series of
hard-country records that still hold up today.  Hell, I even like
listening to him sing the Monday Night Football song. You just gotta
ignore his bombast occasionally (or more than occasionally in the last
decade or so).

pps Don's got my mouth watering over Mandy Barnett (sp?) new record. I'd
take Owen Bradley over Chet any day of the week.

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