<<   Amen.  A band that probably doesn't have a bad record in 'em.  They
 had a brilliant track on last year's "Velvet Goldmine" soundtrack called
 "The Whole Shebang," which came across as equal parts GLB and "Hunky
 Dory"-era Bowie.  For my money one of the best songs to come out last
 year that you never heard.  For that matter, the movie was certainly
 flawed, but the soundtrack was a blast. >>

I'll second that. "The Whole Sheband" was a song that always perked up my 
ears and made my toes tap when it played on KCRW down here. it perfectly 
recalled the glam era without souding like a weak parody. This also reminds 
me that I never picked up the soundtrack. And the movie was a disappointing 


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