Hey there,

>Oh come on, Shonen Knife is miserable. I'm an open-minded sort of
fellow, but >they're just friggin' terrible. I mean, if you like them as
kitsch, that's one thing, >but....yeesh.
>Heh, it's good to agree with Dave on *some* things.  I've listened to
Shonen Knife >and seen a couple of these bands live (Cibo Matto and
Pizzicatto 5 or whatever >their name was) and I'll tell you, truly, I
came away with my butt completely intact....

The Iceman...
>Shonen Knife is miserable. The Japanese equivalent of The Shaggs?

Oh come one, Shonen Knife aren't stellar players, especially on their
early stuff, but The Shaggs couldn't find down beat with a map. Shonen
Knife play HAPPY FUN music and are damn endearing. And they have some
FANTASIC pop songs, even if they stumble every once in a while - like all
of Let's Knife. Aaaand they put on a great live show. I swear. 

Shonen Knife loves you.

And Junior, since all you like is RockaBilly stuff these days <g> check
out any of the Hodge Podge and Barrage comps. Japanese bands tearing up
and deconstructing RockaBilly, Sun - era rock, etc.

Um, and Pizzicato 5 are the exception that proves the rule. 

CK not changing anyone's mind, but posting anyway
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