Junior quips:

> Buford said:
> > I work with a couple of Japanese gals who are just as cute and
> > botch the English language just as badly. I think I'll round them up,
> > pull a Malcolm McLaren, and get them to sing my new hit songs
> > "My Dog Like Vanilla Ice Cream" and "Red Car Go Fast Ha! Ha!
> > Ha!"
> No, you're getting this all confused.  That band was *Elastica* and
> they were really great!!.

Grrr. Now, don't be ragging on Elastica, who seem to have played their last
gig in the Bermuda triangle.They *were* really great, if as derivative as
it could possibly get.

Oh, hey, now I see your Japanese analogy. <g>

n.p. The Wandering Eyes

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