On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 14:40:48 +0000, Ph. Barnard wrote:

> Seiji (sp?  I think...) Ozawa is, I believe, a Japanese native.  He 
> gets as much work in Europe and worldwide as he does in the US, in 
> fact, and qualifies as one of the most successful conductors of the 
> last 20 years or so....  Not necessarily for classical (see?  I'm 
> fine with the term <g>) aficianados with highly particularlized 
> tastes, but in terms of overall visibility and record contracts, 
> record sales, and so on.

Back in the days when I was a music student, I took conducting at the
University of Washington from Tim Salzman.  Ozawa was Salzman's hero, and he
would constantly admonish us with "That's not how Seiji would do it."


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