At 03:39 PM 4/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Ah, Mr, Weller in his prime!
>I always liked Setting Sons just a bit better than All Mod Cons, but you
>really can't go wrong with any of the first five albums. I respect the
>hell out of Weller for pulling the plug on that band when he did, but the
>Style Council was a sorry substitute.

My sentiments exactly...  It was such a letdown...  True, it was time for
them to split most likely, but sheesh...
>Sophie and I had a major Weller experience in Fletcher's in Baltimore
>last week. Seems we wandered in there at noon, shot pool for two hours
>and had the place to ourselves so we loaded up the jukebox on Jam songs
>and the bartender turned up the volume. "Funeral Pyre" never sounded
>cooler than thru a bigass set o' speakers with a Sierra Nevada Porter or
>three. :)

Now, that sounds like a splendid way to spend the afternoon!
Morgan "wish I could be like David Watts"

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