At 01:36 PM 4/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Weren't there political (or "pop-political" to be more accurate)
>distinctions to be made between the Clash and the Jam back in the day?

Oh yeah...  A political version of "mods vs. rockers" theme perhaps?  
"Which one are you?"  "A mod or a rocker?"  "I'm a mocker"  Can't remember
what the
noise was about though...
>I'm a bit hazy, but I recall some British friends being animated
>about this...  One of those cases where the political connotations of
>different music subcultures get washed out in the music-industry pitch in
>the US, etc?

Yep.  The benevolent hand of the machine wiping the "issues" clean off the
>PS.  Cap'n Crunch over Quisp or Quake anyday, baby...

no, no, no... I beg to differ.  Although, I've become quite smitten with
the Oops! All Berries Cap'n Crunch...

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