>> Interested musicians must be incredibly badass.  In fact, unless you have
>> chops to burn, don't bother.
>Gee, and here I thought that feeling would have to be the number one

Would you please go find a life.  I have a band in crisis here and I
certainly don't need every middle-aged mediocrity's  two cents.  Unlike you
and your ilk, these are world-class players and all the "feeling" in the
world is not gonna allow a half-assed player to keep up with this band.

Though you might be more interesting if you spent your time doing something
other than taking swipes at every post that comes down the pike, you're not
nearly as clever as you think you are.

So, please tell me what purpose your post serves.  It certainly doesn't
help me or this great band.  What it does is illustrate your sullen
smugness and beg the question of why you don't have better things to do.

And if you or anyone out there takes issue with my tone, tough.  My post
set out some pretty stringent qualifications.  Unlike Weisberger I don't
have time to waste by qualifying everything I say for the consuption of
lameasses who can't handle a little direct communication.

I'm over here doing things rather than taking shots at people who do things.

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