On Sun, 11 Apr 1999, Joe Gracey wrote:

> This is an essay I can't do justice to now, but Huey and his kind were
> great inspiration to me and I long for the days of freewheeling record
> making and real radio programmers in charge of their own playlists. I
> hope that era returns soon so that I can rampage across the land myself. 

I'll vote for that (not knowing whether a Gracey rampage might be too 
dangerous to the locals).  

Sigh.  I try not to get too sentimental for olden days but it's hard not 
to wish for such things.  Too many of my favorite records are from those 
days when music was locally owned and made as were the records and the 
radio, when saying "that's a band from Memphis" would have meant 
something.  And too many of my other favorite records seem to be trying 
to recapture the feel of the music of those times.  Ah well.

Will Miner
Denver, CO

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