>Like Linda, I wish barry's subject line was more prognostication than
>historical desctription. --david cantwell

Well, hey--if they WANT to do that again, they will.  And for all we know
right now, an oncoming era of download quality stereo singles from the Net
may do just that, given kids (and old farts) will be no doubt asembling
their own downloaded DVD-ROM segues or something...The only question will
be how to get everybody to HEAR 'em, with all those isolated ears
so..atomized..and if they'll concentrate on the sound insteda of the look!

The 70s cuts David just mentioned are just as good to me, too..And they ARE
"in" just under the cut--'cept they often got to be heard in FM stereo!
And the 8-track, right?

Ms. Cline, as always, has reminded us just in time that there's uh, more
than one way to skin a cat.
Also just reminded me how much I like those Joe Ely cuts she's quivvered
up...Does this mean something?  Has anyone ever divided out "front seat"
vs. "back seat"  car songs? (Single entendre there, please--no anatomical
references implied.) ... Does it matter?

PS: I haven't counted, but I don't think ALL those "perfect single"
candidates I reeled off play it hard and fast and build to a full White
Rabbit.  But they do start!

PPS: Papa Was a Rolling Stone was remarkable in every way, including that
opening, which was unprecedented for that genre.  Whatever that genre is!
It always brings me a peresonal visual: I was helping kids in a foster home
north of New York with their homework nights at the time that came out, and
the Temps showed up on a TV doing this live as the kids were finishing up
one night ...There were soon 20 of 'em doing every move, and every note,
unrehearsed, I think..  Of course, they're all about  36-37 now! Bet theey
still know those moves.


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