> get to you, you might not be long for this list. This is just a typical day 
> in the life of P2. And just wait til we rehash one of those recipe threads or 
> my particular favorite: the greatest pitcher ever, which, of course, would 
> Sandy Koufax, the Bob Dylan of his profession.
> Neal Weiss
Hmmm, and let  me guess who's the best base-stealer ever. Maury Wills,
c'mon down.

In all this palaver over greatest influences, etc., I guess I confess
surprise that what, to me, is an obvious choice for at least the top five,
The Beatles, appears to have been skipped over, perhaps, dare I speculate,
because it's such an obvious choice? If we're talking about rock, in my
subjective, fallible, hazy-assed estimation, the Beatles have no rival. --
Terry Smith

ps my local library just got stocked up on a bunch of classic pop and
soul, 50s era, plus a copy of Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom and San Quentin.
Jackie Wilson, Lloyd Price, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, all sorts of
stuff to explore.

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