>Jeff said:
>>>My only complaint is that Chris Gray  (singer/gee-tar) says he likes
>>Sheryl Crow is a three on a scale of 1-5. She ain't great, but she ain't
>>Mariah Carey.

I can't believe I'm doing this... maybe it's because she opened in Ft.
Worth for a band I was tour managing and she was great and I've paid
attention to her ever since but...

Shryl Crow is one of the best big mainstream stars around. Not only is her
heart in the right place, her records are extremely well-crafted and
listenable, her melodic sense is stronger than many better writers and at
the very least she tries to express herself.  If she wasn't selling tons of
records she would, I think be champoined by several folks on this list.
Since she needs no championing, I'll do it just to be contrary.

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